showing 22 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Caverns of Mars Atari Program Exchange1981[b]MARS DECLARES WAR![/b]


MARS - In a sudden move that caught the entire Solar System by surprise, the Martian galactic fleet today surrounded the planet Terra IV and demanded immediate surrender. A statement issued by Ixglobpt Ugzibniac, the Supreme Commander of the Martian forces, confirmed the military maneuver and added that the situation on Terra IV was "under complete and total control."

Neutral observers, however, report that the Terra IV High Command was able to send a single Helicon VII fighter to Mars, where it is presumed to be invading the Martian Headquarters deep within the twisting and treacherous Caverns of Mars.

The Helicon VII is an advanced fighter armed with twin laser torpedoes, capable of destroying the Creon and Pyxias Rockets used to defend the Caverns. Intelligence sources speculate that the Helicon ship may have to penetrate between two and five Caverns of Mars, depending on the skill level of the pilot, in order to reach the Martian Headquarters. Once there, the fighter will likely attempt to activate the deadly Fusion Bomb that is the keystone of the Martian Defense system, and escape back through the Caverns before the bomb explodes.

In addition to the Creon and Pyxias Rockets, the Helicon fighter must also overcome Laser Gates and Space Mines to reach the Martian Headquarters. Experts agree that this mission is possible, but requires the utmost skill and daring on the part of the pilot.

Dr. Milton Megaton, Senior Fellow at the Angletron Institute for Galactic Studies in London, offered an assessment of the military situation. "If the Helicon fighter pilot is to have any hope for survival, he must keep his hand on the joystick and his eyes on the tracking screen at all times. Frankly the Caverns of Mars would be extremely dangerous to navigate even if they weren't so well defended. One slip and it could be 'kiss your protons goodbye.'"***
[48]***RX8021 16k cartridge published 1981. Common.
XEGS cartridge published 1987***A scrolling space shooter where the player must descend through caves to reach the reactor at the bottom, then escape the resulting explosion after it is destroyed.
David's Midnight Magic Brøderbund1982 labelimageminimize
Necromancer Synapse Software1982 labelimageminimize
Archon: The Light and the Dark  Electronic Arts (Free Fall)1983
[48]***A modified version of Chess with the added twist that the pieces must battle each other for a square. Both strategy and quick reflexes are needed to win!
Deluxe Invaders Roklan198309-01101 8k cartridge. Comes in two common variations. One has a grey case and the other yellow case. labelimageminimize
Donkey Kong Jr.  Atari1983RX8040 16k cartridge.
A later publishing was marketed for XEGS
Jet Boot Jack English Software1983
[48]***64k cartridge.
Blue Max 2001 Synapse Software1984
[48]***32k cartridge.
Ballblazer  Atari;Epyx;Activision (Lucasfilm Games)1984 labelimageminimize
Fight Night XE  Atari1985RX8085 128k cartridge. 2 uncommon variations exist: one has a squared case and the other has rounded case. labelminimizeminimize
Karateka  Brøderbund;Atari1985
[48]***RX8095 128k cartridge. Rare.
Ace of Aces Accolade;U.S. Gold1987RX8099 128k cartridge. Common. labelimageminimize
Battlezone  Atari1987RX8077 64k cartridge. Uncommon. labelimageminimize
Bug Hunt Atari1987RX8087 128k cartridge is uncommon.
This one of the 3 pack-in games for the Atari XE Game System (XEGS). Marketing wanted 3 games, one of which was a gun shooting game, to compete with the Nintendo NES pack-in game(s) [game=#7487]Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt[/game][spoiler= ; ][/spoiler]
Food Fight Atari1987RX8079 32k cartridge. Uncommon. labelimageminimize
GATO Atari (Xanth Software)1987RX8090 128k cartridge. 2 rare variations exist(rounded and squared carts). labelimageminimize
Airball Atari (Softworks Factory)1988"Now you’re really in trouble" said the Evil Wizard, "I’m turning you into a ball and sending you into a mansion with over 150 rooms!!" "If that sounds easy I’m telling you it’s not, the ball’s got a slow puncture and you’ll need to jump on a pump to pump it up in some rooms, but take heed, if you pump it up too much it will burst! In the rooms you’ll have to pick up objects I’ve left, such as crosses, tins of beans, a Buddha, a dragon statue, a pumpkin, a flask and also crates that you’ll need to get over obstacles! At the end of the maze is a spellbook that will turn you back into a human again.""Sounds easy" you say to the Evil Wizard. "Does it now! Well I’m putting spikes in the rooms as well, not just one kind but different kinds that react differently and killer pads on the floor, you’ve got no chance of success . . . Ha! Ha! Ha!"***RX8109 128k cartridge. Rare. labelimagesubject
Choplifter! XE Atari1988RX8096 64k cartridge. Uncommon. A graphically enhanced version of the [game=#107650]Broderbund Cartridge[/game] that was for plain vannila Atari 8-bit (Not XEGS).
Dark Chambers  Atari (Sculptured Software)1988
[52]***RX8101 64k cartridge. Uncommon.
Desert Falcon Atari1988RX8089 64k cartridge. Uncommon. labelimageminimize
Mario Bros.  Atari1988RX8103 64k cartridge. Uncommon.
Many people (who've played this obscure game) agreee this is the best version of all. The license [company=Atari]Atari[/company] had to produce [game=Mario Bros.]Mario Bros.[/game] games still hadn't expired and allow then to create versions that compeated with NES games.
Cavernia Zepplin Games199064k cartridge. labelimageminimize